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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1469  next >
Issue DateTitleCitationAuthor(s)
28-Jul-2009Achilleion and surroundings--
27-Jul-2009Acropolis and Lycabetus, 1--
27-Jul-2008Acropolis and Lycabetus, 2--
27-Jul-2009Acropolis with the Odeon of Herodes Atticus--
27-Jul-2009Acropolis, 1--
27-Jul-2009Acropolis, 2--
27-Jul-2009Acropolis, 3--
13-Jul-2010AFS graduate Mike Spiropoulos shaking the hand of U.S. V.P. Johnson, Bruce Lansdale is behind them, 1963--
19-Jul-2010AFS model created by Mary Hatzigiannaki, 1965--
15-Jul-2010AFS staff and conference participants welcoming Minister of Internal Affairs Georgios Rallis, Bruce Lansdale behind him, 1962--
15-Jul-2010AFS student welcomes Minister of Internal Affairs Georgios Rallis, 1962--
13-Jul-2010AFS students and staff welcoming U.S. V.P. Johnson, standing next to him are Bruce Lansdale and Greek V.P. Panagiotis Kanelopoulos, 1963--
12-Jul-2010AFS students dressed in traditional customs, dancing to welcome U.S. V.P. Johnson, 1963--
27-Jul-2009Agios Eleftherios, Small Mitropolis, 1--
27-Jul-2009Agios Eleftherios, Small Mitropolis, 2--
26-Aug-2010Alekos Galanos and Theodoros Litsas giving a seminar on setting a theater stage at the AFS students, 1--
31-Aug-2010Alekos Galanos and Theodoros Litsas giving a seminar on setting a theater stage at the AFS students, 2--
26-Aug-2010Alekos Galanos applying make up to a student before a theater play, 1--
31-Aug-2010Alekos Galanos applying make up to a student before a theater play, 2--
26-Aug-2010Alekos Galanos applying make up to a student before a theater play, 3--