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Title: U.S. V.P. Johnson, his wife Lady Bird and daughter talking to the press and holding the leashes of a small donkey, Bruce Lansdale is next to them, 1963
Other Titles: Ο Αντιπρόεδρος των Η.Π.Α. Johnson, η γυναίκα και η κόρη του μιλούν στους δημοσιογράφους κρατώντας τα χαλινάρια από έναν μικρό γάιδαρο και ο Bruce Lansdale είναι δίπλα τους, 1963
Keywords: American Farm School - Photographs
Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή - Φωτογραφικά λευκώματα
American Farm School (Greece)
Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή (Ελλάδα)
Visitors, Foreign
Επισκέπτες, Ξένοι
Visits of State - American Farm School
Επισκέψεις Επισήμων - Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή
Johnson, Lyndon B., 1908-1973
Johnson, Lady Birk, 1912-2007
Lansdale, Bruce McKay, 1925-2009
Issue Date: 13-Jul-2010
Publisher: American Farm School
Description: view photo of U.S. V.P. Johnson, his wife Lady Bird and daughter talking to the press and holding the leashes of a small donkey, Bruce Lansdale is next to them, 1963
Appears in Collections:American Farm School Miscellaneous

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vip photo 24.jpgU.S. V.P. Johnson, his wife Lady Bird and daughter talking to the press and holding the leashes of a small donkey, Bruce Lansdale is next to them, 1963532.91 kBJPEGThumbnail
vip photo 24.pdfU.S. V.P. Johnson, his wife Lady Bird and daughter talking to the press and holding the leashes of a small donkey, Bruce Lansdale is next to them, 1963536.53 kBAdobe PDFThumbnail

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