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Title: Newsletter, 1946, April
Keywords: American Farm School - Newsletters
Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή - Ενημερωτικά δελτία
Ενημερωτικά δελτία
House, Charles Lucius (Charlie), 1887-1961
House Kellogg, Ann Mary, 1888-1989
Girls' school - Greece
Σχολεία θηλέων - Ελλάδα
Visitors, Foreign
Επισκέπτες, Ξένοι
American Farm School - Students
Αμερικανική Γεωργική Σχολή - Μαθητές
Issue Date: 1946
Publisher: The American Farm School
Description: Mrs Bliss died and her place as Executive Secretary in the NY Office took Mrs Hartley, the Greek elections took place and many Americans came to stay in some of the barracks on the School, many visitors came to the AFS, Mr House thanks everyone for the gifts they send to the AFS.
Appears in Collections:Newsletters

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